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Snap Beans

This year, we started growing snap beans.

At marche last weekend, they were very popular and sold out in 30 minutes!

One of our customers came all two days to buy snap beans, and we are very encouraged!

There are lots of hard things such as harvesting from early morning, standing whole day at marche, etc... However, words from customers like “beautiful veggies!”, “Delicious!!” make us super happy and almost tear up.

Though marche, we felt person is supported by other persons….

We really appreciate customers, vegetables and all people who support us!! Thank you!!

Hare farm’s green beans will finish in around two weeks.

They are available at Kitami’s AEON on Tuesday and Friday with limited numbers.

We also provide them through a vegetable set at Tabechoku below! (Japanese only, if you only use English, please contact us from Contact Us page)

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Fridays:  8am - 1pm

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Mon - Fri: 8am - 3pm

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