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Harvest of popcorns

We have just finished harvesting colorful popcorns!

Schwarzer Popcorn, which is all deep purple, is grown by seeds we have harvested in the last year.

We are relieved that we can use the seeds we harvested, for the next year's planting.

After harvesting, letting them dry, separating the seeds and finally, we can taste them.

Just cooked popcorns are tasty even just with salt. Also we can enjoy with some coriander powder or other herbs!

Now “Autumn vegetable sets” are available and there are also vegetable sets with popcorns. We are looking forward to deliver to you!!

*Now our vegetable sets are available at “食べチョク”.

Autumn vegetable set:

Autumn vegetable set with popcorn:

If you only speak English, please feel free to message us from our “Contact Us” page and we would be most happy to help you.

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