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Our Story

Our Vision

We are working towards making the world a happy and healthier place by protecting nature and being kind to the earth.

晴ファーム believes everyone deserves to have fresh, clean, and tasty seasonal vegetables in their diet. As customers, they have a right to know how these veggies come to your plate, and we are here to show you how.

We are a family-owned small business in Hokkaido, trying to do our best to help nature by nourishing everyone along the way to our best capacity. Hare Farm("晴ファーム") means "Sunny/Bright farm." Of course, it's not always Sunny in Hokkaido, but we make an effort to keep everyone smiling, happy, and healthy.

From 2022, we plan to grow the following veggies, but they may change based on the season.

  • Mini Tomatoes

  • Eggplant

  • Green Pepper

  • Shishito pepper(sweet pepper)

  • Cucumber

  • Small pumpkin

  • Butter Squash

  • Burdock

  • Radish

  • Turnips

  • Pop Corn

  • Green Peas

  • Kidney Beans

  • Chinese Yams


キュウリ、新鮮野菜の宅配、オンライン野菜直売ストア,Cucumber,Fresh Vegetables delivery, Online Farmers Store

Smaller steps lead to beautiful changes

おいしいポップコーン、新鮮野菜、農家直送,Delicious Corn, fresh vegetables, direct from the farm to your doorstep
​Our Mission

Vegetables, caring you and the earth

We endeavor to positively influence the industry to supply healthier, clean vegetables and grains, focusing on organics, nutrients, and kindness.

We grow many vegetables and seeds such as Carrots, Beets, Chinese yams, Egg Plant, Tomatoes, Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Green Peas,  Tiger Beans, Red Beans, and Wheat. They are bursting greener and fresher using more organic compost, making a tasty treat for all veggie lovers. We get the best seeds in the market for our vegetables and grains, making them worth the money you spend.

But from next year, I plan to prepare my own seeds from the farm, which will be more natural. Trying our best to provide fresh, clean, and healthy vegetables is Hare Farm's goal, and we stand by that idea.  

I decided to sell vegetables online because I thought the people who don't grow vegetables, people who live in the city and always buy from the supermarket, could benefit from this. So now, they can taste this green goodness directly from the farm. Then, we pack them with much love and care and deliver them to your doorstep.

These are seasonal vegetables, and you will have many varieties in each season. We always welcome any suggestions and wouldn't go unheard. "Fresh vegetables directly to your house" is our secret mission, and we are constantly working to make that successful.

My Journey to become a farmer
Sometimes a journey can be a real adventure...

So how did I start this Journey? Well, I will endeavor to explain to you.

In 2011, Japan had one of its worst earthquakes. I remember being stuck on a train and sleeping in the office overnight, not knowing what was happening. There was a lot of money in my handbag, but I could not buy anything. All the communication and transportation were down, and I walked many distances from station to station, trying to go home. All the supermarkets were displaying empty shelves with a grim and scary look. Finally, I thought, "What's the value of all this money in my bag. I can't even buy anything to eat. But if I can grow some vegetables or grains, at least I have something to eat. And I can help people as much as I can.". Well, I said goodbye to my well-paid professional job, and that's how 晴ファーム came into life.

 My uncle already had a small farm. So we talked, and I did my studies to become a full-time farmer. Growing up in this beautiful Hokkaido, Kitami-shi, I was always fond of nature, and my heart was always with these green, sometimes purely white, fields and mountains.

With a lot of effort and time, we started growing several vegetables. It's not like working in the office for sure. When I think about how beneficial my work at the farm is to mother nature and people, my heart is always filled with happiness. And that energy helps me keep going! 

So, when you buy from us, you are not only helping us, small farmers,  but also helping to protect the earth. I think it's a path we can walk together and be happy and healthy!.




Delivery Hours

Mondays : 8am - 1pm
Wednesdays:  8am - 1pm 
Fridays:  8am - 1pm

Operating Hours

Mon - Fri: 8am - 3pm

​​Saturday: 8am - 12pm

​Sunday: Close

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